The test is very simple to use and involves a mouth swab which is used to collect the saliva sample.
Allow the test Cassette, specimen, and/or controls to reach room temperature (15-30°C) prior to testing. Instruct the donor to not place anything in the mouth including food, drink, gum or tobacco products for at least 10 minutes prior to collection.
1. Remove the sponge tipped saliva collector from the sealed pouch and put the sponge end in the mouth and chew until it is soft. Actively swab the inside of the mouth and tongue to collect saliva for a total of 3-5 minutes until the sponge becomes fully saturated. Gentle pressing the sponge between the tongue and teeth will assist saturation. No hard spots should be felt on the sponge when saturated.
2. Remove the saliva collector from the mouth and unscrew top of saliva collection tube. Place saturated saliva collector into saliva collection tube and squeeze saliva into the tube. Dispose of saliva collector and screw the top onto the collection tube.
3. Open the sealed foil pouch and remove the cassette and place on a flat surface.
4. Lift the dropper end of the saliva collection device and drop 2 drops of saliva into each of the sample wells of the test cassette. Read results at 10 minutes. Do not read results after 1 hour. If a test strip does not appear to have the saliva running up the strip add an additional drop of saliva.